Appleton eSchool
Why eSchool?
of our AASD graduates as of 2022 have taken at least one eSchool course as part of their high school experience to prepare for post high school readiness.
unique students were enrolled in at least one online course with success rates of over 95% during the 2021-2022 school year and summer interim
Reasons to take an Online Course
- Traditional core courses can be taken in an alternative format.
- AP courses and electives not otherwise available due to low enrollments or schedule conflicts can be taken.
- Students have the opportunity through threaded discussions to interact with peers they might not otherwise encounter
- Frequent individual student/teacher interactions, as well as parent contacts, occur to support student efforts and monitor progress based on individual needs and goals.
- Online courses have a high level of accountability for the time, effort and quality of student work submitted.
- Online courses provide rigorous, high quality, standards-driven curriculum.
- Course completion goals can be on an accelerated, traditional or extended basis to meet individual student needs.
- Course enrollments are on a continuous or rolling basis, so students can request enrollment at any time there is a seat available.
- Courses are available to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
- Students take greater ownership for their learning thus preparing them to be lifelong learners.
Why eSchool?
- Student transfers in from a school
- Student transfers with course for which there is no district classroom equivalent
- Student enrolls midterm who had not been attending school
- Transfer student having a difficult time filling their schedule due to closed classes
- Enrichment
- Student would like the experience of taking an online course
- Student wishes to enhance their independent learning skills
- Student wishes to utilize accelerated programming opportunities such as completing a full credit course in one semester or over the summer
- Student would like to take an AP course that is not available at their site
- Student who wishes to explore a particular area of interest not otherwise available
- Student wants a higher level of control
- Scheduling Difficulties
- Low enrollment eliminates course option desired by student
- Student has a schedule conflict that can be resolved with an online course
- Student needs a semester of a course to move to the next level
- Student dropped a course and is seeking to add a different course
- Student with schedule challenges as a result of participating in a Coop, Tesla, Renaissance, Valley New School, Music etc.
- Athlete involved in several sports struggling with 8th hour courses due to early departures
- Unique Circumstances
- Student is on homebound and would like to add a course in addition to traditional homebound instruction
- Student with extended absences for health reasons
- Student needs a course beyond their schedule in order to graduate
- Self-supporting student is working and needs greater flexibility in his/her daily schedule
- Teen parent needs a short day schedule to handle his/her responsibilities
- Student is on a voluntary withdrawal with approval by the administration
- At Risk or EEN student might benefit from an online course taken primarily in a resource room or the ILS Lab with the program specialist as their mentor/coach
- Student participating in a foreign exchange program could assure earning the credits required for his/her diploma
- Family circumstances include short-term relocations during the school
- Student is unable to participate in full day schedule successfully due to health/behavior problems