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Part-time and Full-Time Online for Students Who Need Flexibility

Part-time online eSchool student

The Appleton eSchool broadens access to courses that students may be looking for or simply cannot fit into their busy schedules at their main campus school. The flexibility of scheduling part-time online courses with the Appleton eSchool during the school day allows students to create their academic experience.

Students can start classes with eSchool September – February during the school year as enrollments are ongoing as long as classes have availability.

Full-time online eSchool student

Appleton eSchool also offers students the option of attending Appleton eSchool as a full-time online student. Contact the eSchool office if you are interested in enrolling as a full-time online student with eSchool.

Students seeking full-time enrollment please view some of the key points of our timeline:

  • Students may begin applying to Appleton eSchool to be a full-time online student in the winter/spring.  Details will be listed on the Appleton eSchool website.   
  • The application will remain available until October 1 of the school year being applied for.
  • Students seeking full-time enrollment for the current school year: Students may apply through October 1 to begin full-time eSchool during the traditional school semester term 1 (September).
  • Students may also apply after October 1 to begin full-time eSchool; however, full-time online enrollment will be considered for the beginning of the traditional school semester term 2 (January).
  • Students applying after the start of the traditional semester 2 term will not be admitted to Appleton eSchool as a full-time student.  See the key date timeline/calendar on the Appleton eSchool website for the exact dates and deadlines. 

Full time status with eSchool includes the following possible scenarios:

  • 6.0 credits of eSchool classes
  • 5.5 credits of eSchool classes and 0.5 credit of classes at your main campus AASD high school.
  • 5.0 credits of eSchool classes and 1.0 credit of classes at your main campus AASD high school.
  • 4.0 credits of eSchool classes and 2.0 credits of classes at your main campus AASD high school.

Not a resident of the Appleton Area School District? 

Learn about non-AASD resident enrollment possibilities.